Professional Fees and Remedy Costs

Our fees have remained unchanged for fifteen years now. In comparison to other naturopathic clinics in Perth they are at the low end of the spectrum, especially when you consider remedy costs. It is not unusual at other clinics to have to pay three or four hundred dollars for medicines and supplements on top of the consultation fee. So be aware of that if you are ringing around for a low price or to compare. Ensure that you ask for an average on remedy costs. As a general rule, those who expect to sell you more remedies will charge less for the consultation..

For a limited time we are currently offering an automatic 10% discount on the initial consultation for people coming through the website (see below), so just tick that box on your Patient Form on your first visit. For anyone on a health care card we will give a 15% discount on the initial and 10% on subsequent visits.

Initial Consultation:up to one hour: $120

Return consultations:up to half an hour: $80.

Medicines (remedies): These are charged separately, the average cost currently being around $65 to $120. Of course, we cannot give a firm quote on this until after the consultation. Rest assured, we will use only what is necessary to get a result. We do need to have an idea what’s working and what to continue with subsequently. Also, people disgruntled with costs are not good for business and tend not to refer others.

mortar and pestle

Phone call policy, between visits: If you are currently under treatment and with return visits scheduled, these are not charged for if they don’t take more than around 10 minutes. If you need to pick up a new medicine, only this will be charged for.

Please understand this is only applies if you do have a follow-up arranged, and keep your next scheduled visit. That is, if you are currently under treatment. If you are not under treatment and we haven’t seen you for a while, you need to schedule an appointment. If you can’t get in for a visit, a phone consultation may be arranged and treatment posted, but this will be charged at the same rate.


Family discounts: A reduced fee may be negotiated at the time of appointment for an initial consultation for multiple family members, depending on numbers. Following this, for family members seen at the same time, the standard $80 return fee will be charged for the first parent, and only $5 each for each of the children, plus their remedy costs. Two adult spouses or partners seen at the same time or subsequently for a return visit, without children, will be discounted $10 each; that is, they will be charged $60 each.

For a limited time only: mention this web site and receive a 10% discount on an initial naturopathic/homeopathic consultation